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Vladimir Putin wants friendly relations with America

The Dhaka Times Desk US-Russia relations are being polarized anew after the US election. In such a situation, Vladimir Putin wants friendly relations with America.


Everyone knows that America's relationship with the Soviet Union is bitter. However, the period of intense conflict between capitalism and the socialist world has ended long ago.

In the light of the current world context, Washington and Moscow may be coming closer this time. US President Donald Trump hinted during the election campaign. He wants friendship with Russia. Vladimir Putin has already responded to this. Now the Russian president said, 'We need friends, not enemies. '

Putin also said in one of his speeches, 'We never want to get involved in a conflict with anyone. He doesn't even need it. We never wanted enmity with anyone, never want. We need friends. '

Putin also said, 'We want to work closely with the government led by Donald Trump. We have a joint responsibility in ensuring international security.' This is not the first time, Putin has expressed his hopes about Trump before. Trump called the president-elect after winning the election.

In this regard, Russian President Putin said, 'Russian-US relations are not satisfactory, they need to be improved. I agreed with Trump on the matter during the telephone conversation. As I said earlier, we will play our part to improve the relationship.

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