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The fish that sings all night: that song can be heard from Danga!

The Dhaka Times Desk The fish sings. And that song can be heard from Danga! We have never heard of such a thing before.


It was heard before 1980s that fish also sing. At that time some houseboat-dwellers in California would hear a strange noise late at night. The sound coming from the depths of the water was so muffled that they thought it was military activity and the murmur of alien creatures!

Later it is known that the sound coming from the bottom of the water is actually a fish named 'Midshipman'. The sound they make throughout the night has been identified as 'fish music'.

According to biologists, this 'song' is actually a mating call. This noise is heard more during breeding season. Where does this sound come from? Scientists have been researching for about three decades to find out.

In a research paper recently published in the 'Journal of Current Biology', American scientists said that the hormone that works behind this music is not scarce at all. The midshipman sings under the influence of melatonin, the hormone that induces sleep. Most importantly, this song is sung by a male fish. However, scientist Andrew Bass has claimed that female fish are also capable of singing. He showed that a biological clock inside their body determines the rhythm of this song.

Researcher Andrew Bass claims that observing the midshipman's behavior is necessary to understand this mysterious world of hormones.

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