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150 people have been executed in Saudi Arabia

The Dhaka Times Desk The government of Saudi Arabia has executed more than 150 people this year. Human rights organizations have expressed concern.


Last year, the country's judiciary ordered a large number of executions. Recently, a UK human rights organization 'Reprive Group' published this number and expressed concern about this.
Quoting the organization's commentary, The Guardian reported that the rate of executions by secret courts is increasing every year in the country. Drug offenders, minors and political prisoners are usually executed in secret courts.

According to the Reprieve Group, 150 people were executed this year, 158 last year and 87 the year before that.

The organization said most of the Gulf countries still have the death penalty. In this regard, Saudi Arabia is leading, and Kuwait is the most backward.

According to published news, most of those who have been sentenced to death by the country's secret court were considered threats to the security of Saudi Arabia.

In January this year, 47 of those sentenced by the secret court were executed on the same day. Many of them were teenagers, below the age of 20.

Former British Prime Minister David Cameron called on the Saudi government to reverse its decision to systematically execute juveniles. In September, the UK called on the Saudi government to make a fresh decision on the death penalty.

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