Categories: Picturesque

A woman returned to her family after 40 years of 'death'!

The Dhaka Times Desk জন্ম ও মৃত্যু মানুষের জন্য অধারিত। এই দুটি জিনিস মানুষের জীবনে একবার করে ঘটবেই। জন্মও একবার হয়, মৃত্যুও একবারই। তবে এবার ‘মৃত্যু’র ৪০ বছর পর নিজের দু’মেয়ের কাছে ফিরে এলেন মা!

‘মৃত্যু’র ৪০ বছর পর ফিরে আমার এমন কাণ্ড কি কখনও সম্ভব? অনেকেই ভাবছেন সিনেমার গল্প নই তো!
No this is not a Bengali or Bollywood Hindi movie story. Or a fairy tale.

A real event. And this incident happened in India. The story of 1976. A woman named Valisa was bitten by a black cobra in Vidhanu village. The family members thought him dead and floated him in the river Ganga. But as the saying goes, 'Allah keeps, who kills'. The woman survived by the grace of God. Incidentally the Ganga sailors rescued him and kept him in a temple.

India's news media Times of India reported that Valisa, a resident of Inayetpur village in Kanpur, fell unconscious after being bitten by a black cobra while gathering grass in the field. When he was declared dead after traditional treatment, he was floated in the river Ganges across the border of Kannauj district as per tradition. Later the residents of Sarai Theku area (he is a sailor by profession) rescued Valisa.

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Ram Kumari and Munni, two daughters of Majhi Valisa, said they were surprised to see their 82-year-old mother in front of the house on Friday. Mother fainted and lost her memory. A few days ago, after regaining his memory, he talked to a girl. Later the girl informed her uncle about the matter. Then the girl's uncle discussed the matter with a man named Chitram (82).

Chitharam is the person who attended Valisa's funeral 40 years ago. After realizing the incident, he informed Valisa's two daughters. Valisa's elder daughter Ram Kumari later confirmed the matter after seeing the birthmark. And this is how he returned to his family after 40 years!

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৩১, ২০১৭ 10:51 pm

Staff reporter

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