The Dhaka Times
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The device will say 17 diseases by smelling the breath!

The Dhaka Times Desk Science is moving really fast. In the near future, doctors will have nothing to do but prescribe the necessary drugs. The device will catch the disease!


A team of researchers claims to have made such a device. According to their claims, it can catch at least 17 diseases just by smelling the breath. Diseases like cancer, Parkinson's are also included in this list. There are a total of 56 researchers from 5 countries in this research team.

According to media reports, this device uses various nano-beams. Basically, that ray can tell the chemical analysis of the smell of the breath, what is the disease!

This new claim of the researchers has spread new hope in the minds of the people of the world. Because human civilization will benefit if the diagnosis method is easy.

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