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A terrible animal caught in the fishing net! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk A strange creature got caught in a Singaporean prison. which no one has ever seen before. Shocked to see such a terrible animal!


The surprised fisherman thought that he might have caught an alien creature from the sea, or discovered a new species. The animal came up in his net while fishing near Sentosa Island in Singapore.

What is the animal? When he was busy thinking about that, he decided to make a video of the horrible looking animal and put it on Facebook to see if his other friends could actually recognize this strange animal.

According to news media, although the 54-year-old fisherman named Wong Han Boon has caught all kinds of strange creatures from the sea at different times of his life, he or the people around him have never encountered such a terrifying animal that can move like an octopus.

After posting the video of the animal on social media Facebook, there was a huge response. Then this jailer contacted Mirror. "When I saw the animal in the net, I was shocked," Boon told the Mirror.

In the interview, he also said that although no one can recognize the animal, then it must be assumed that it is either an alien resident or a new species of animal.

Finally, marine biologist Dr. Will Figueira of Sydney, Australia put an end to all the speculations of the fish. He found out that the creature was called 'Basket Star', a species of starfish or closely related to brittle starfish.

These animals move their trunks usually for locomotion or to catch prey. Which makes them one of the awesome!

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