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Historic Churut Bibi Mosque

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Friday, 30 December 2016 Christ, 16 Paush 1423 Bangabd, 29 Rabiul Awal 1438 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.


The picture you are looking at is a witness to history and tradition - the historic Churut Bibir Mosque in Anwara Upazila of Chittagong District.

After passing the Anwara Upazila Health Complex in Chittagong district, Amir Mohammad Chowdhury's huge pond is just a little to the south. Its local name is Ameer Khan Dighi. At the southeast corner of this lake is the historic Churut Bibi Masjid. Churut Bibi Dighi is adjacent to this mosque. To the west of Churut Bibi Dighi, south of Amir Khan Dighi, a settlement called Sheikh Rajar Bhit is also identified.

According to the folklore collected by Abdul Karim Sahitya Bisharad about Sheikh Raja, in 1575 the Gaur kingdom was reduced to ruins due to famine and pestilence.

The commander of Gaur state, Sheikh Mohammad Adam Gaur, left Gaur state and settled with his family in the village of Sholkata under the state.

According to historical sources, Magon Munda was a big landowner during Rakhine Mugh reign. An "ekrarnama" dated 1051 Moghi says that Amir Muhammad Chowdhury was in charge of zamindari. This Amir Muhammad Chowdhury married Churut Bibi or Shukkur Bibi, daughter of Arakan royal poet Alaol. This Churut Bibi Mosque was built in his name. Although the exact date and year is not known, it is assumed that this historic mosque was built during the reign of Chittagong Nawab Alibeg Khan (1713-1718) during the Mughal period.

Image and information: Courtesy of

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