Categories: Picturesquefeature

Find a fish that is more addictive than drugs!

The Dhaka Times Desk At any party or festival, many people spend the night drinking with their friends, or go into another world after taking some drugs. This fish will bring you to the extreme of addiction!

It is more effective than any drug. Will keep you busy for a few days. Whether for pleasure or sadness, many people rely on various types of drugs to get high. Now think about it, if eating a fish feels like taking a drug like LSD or cocaine, then what's so bad?

But this is not a story. One such fish has been found on the Atlantic coast of West Africa. Which can make you really addicted. If you eat this fish, you will be dizzy for the next few days. That is, this fish has the same effect on the human body as alcohol or drug addiction.

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An incident in 1994. A man eats baked sarpa salpa with great satisfaction on his way to Kan. But then the accident happened. While driving, he suddenly saw a huge animal blocking his way. Although in reality there was nothing like that. It's just his hallucination. The situation got so bad that he had to be admitted to the hospital in the end. He recovered after 36 hours. Although the person could not remember any incident later

Another such incident happened to a 90-year-old woman in Saint-Tropez. After eating the fish, he felt that many people around him were shouting. The birds are calling. After two days he was back to normal.

A lot of research has been done on the fish. According to scientists, the reason for such addiction is fish food. These species of fish consume certain foods that contain toxic drugs. And that is why people suffer from hallucinations. Although scientists have not been able to confirm anything in this regard so far. However, research is still ongoing.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৩১, ২০১৭ 10:21 pm

Staff reporter

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