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New information on the cause of the destruction of the Titanic!

The Dhaka Times Desk One hundred years ago, new information has emerged about the cause of the sinking of the Titanic in the Atlantic Ocean!


Maloney, an Irish journalist, recently said that the Titanic was destroyed by fire, not by an iceberg.

He has been researching the Titanic for the past 30 years. Maloney gave such information after long research. The Irish journalist highlighted the whole issue in a documentary called 'Titanic: The New Evidence'.

Journalist Maloney said the Titanic was not damaged by the iceberg. The ship was badly damaged by fire.

In 1912, a fire burning in the lower part of the ship slowly weakened the ship's hull. The fire was extinguished after 4 days. The temperature of the fire was at least 1000 degrees Celsius. which made the hull of the ship brittle. That is why the ship broke after hitting the iceberg. Otherwise, it would not be easy for the ship to break under the impact of that iceberg.

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