The Dhaka Times
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18 years have passed with scissors in the stomach!

The Dhaka Times Desk For 18 years, Vietnamese mother Van Nhat was walking around with a pair of scissors in her stomach! But he did not notice.


In the end, after a long three-hour surgery, the pair of scissors was removed! 54-year-old Nat was admitted to the hospital in December last year following a road accident. While going there and conducting experiments, he was caught with some sharp object in his stomach. Later, going to Bac Kan province in Vietnam, detailed experiments were done again.

The test revealed a pair of scissors in Nat's stomach. The length of the scissors is about 6 inches.
Nutt also gives an idea of how the scissors went into the abdomen.

Prior to this, Nat had a road accident. Due to this, Bak Kahn was admitted to the hospital for surgery. The two scissors may have remained in his stomach during that surgery.

Nat said that he was feeling pain in his stomach for some time. Even the painkillers were not working.

A very strict order has been given by the Vietnam Ministry of Health to the Bac Kan Hospital authorities. It has been asked to identify who is responsible for keeping the scissors inside Nat's stomach and submit a report as soon as possible.

Director of Bac Kan Hospital Trin Thi told the media that he will look into the matter. As per the hospital policy, no data is stored on patients above 15 years of age. So it is very difficult to know whether the surgery was done at all at that time or who the doctor was.

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