The Dhaka Times
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How the name of Hollywood changed in one night!

The Dhaka Times Desk Los Angeles residents saw the name of Hollywood changed after waking up in the English New Year! But how did this happen?


The world famous 'Hollywood' sign in Los Angeles, USA has suddenly changed. It has become 'Hollyweed' (Hollyweed)!

Although they were shocked at first, neither the local residents nor the local administration took the incident too seriously. Why the name has not really changed. As a New Year's mischief, this work has been done in English capitals by avoiding everyone's attention.

Near the summit of Mount Lee, this massive inscription is made up of 45-foot tall individual metal letters. The two 'O' letters in the middle of it have been changed to 'E' overnight. However, no damage was done to the original sign. Only the two 'O's are covered with tarpaulin so that they look like lowercase 'e's.

In this regard, Los Angeles police officer Christopher Garcia said that the act was done inconspicuously at some point on Sunday night. Some rogue has replaced the letter 'O' with a triplet piece.

Christopher Garcia also said a video captured by a security camera showed a man very close to the sign around 2 a.m. local time. It is believed that he may have done this. But the darkness of the night and the rain have obscured its appearance so much that even its height cannot be accurately ascertained.

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