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How terrible can a mobile phone while lying in bed be?

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays the habit of mobile phone has become an addiction. But do you know how dangerous this habit can be?


Nowadays smartphones have become a daily companion of people. Not a single moment goes by without a mobile phone. In most cases, before going to bed at night, many people have the habit of checking their mobile phones. In other words, before going to bed, mobile browsing becomes an addiction.

However, experts say, there is still a risk of serious danger in this practice. UCLA School of Medicine researchers concluded in a study that the habit of staring at a mobile phone screen while lying in bed before going to sleep at night is very harmful to health.

What kind of damage can be caused? In response to this question, Dr. Dan Segal, the head of the research team, said, 'In fact, the blue and white light emitted from the mobile phone screen inhibits the release of the hormone melatonin from the human brain.

This hormone mainly helps the human body to fall asleep. Because naturally, if the secretion of melatonin is obstructed, then insomnia or lack of sleep occurs.

But what is the harm if you sleep less? A report from Harvard Medical School answered that question. According to the report, those who sleep less than 8 hours a day have a 15 percent increased chance of premature death. In other words, the habit of using a mobile phone before sleeping is practically nothing but an abnormal and untimely death.

Dr. Segal explained in detail, "The photon-stream that comes to the eye from the mobile screen sends a constant message to our brain, 'Stay awake, stay awake.'

"That's why our sleep is disturbed," said Segal. That is, our sleep decreases, or the body is deprived of the necessary deep sleep. Due to that, various types of physical problems can be created. Diabetes, obesity, heart disease and even the possibility of cancer can be increased due to lack of sleep. In addition, problems such as fatigue, lethargy or decreased sexual desire may also occur.

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