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Obama Says 'Trump and I Have One Thing in Common'

The Dhaka Times Desk Barack Obama and the newly elected US President Donald Trump are considered to have nothing in common, but Obama said that even though he has nothing in common with Trump, he has one thing in common!


"Trump is a man with no shortage of confidence," Obama said. This is what Barack Obama said in an interview with George Stephanopoulos broadcast live on ABC News on Sunday.

"It's a prerequisite for the presidency," Obama said. Or at least you have to create the impression in the minds of enough citizens that you can actually do the job."

Obama also said, however, that Trump's overconfidence could impair his decision-making ability. If he takes decisions without delving into policy issues due to this overconfidence. It can be a strength and a weakness at the same time. I think it depends on exactly how Trump moves forward with the issue."

"If he gets a lively perspective through it, it could be worth it," Obama said. But for that you need to know what you don't know. And the decision-making process needs to involve people who have similar experiences, backgrounds and knowledge and can use it to help make better decisions.”

"It's never possible to make the best possible decisions without the help of experts," Barack Obama said, criticizing Donald Trump's snubbing of experts, Business Insider said.

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