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Facebook is going to bring ads to the video!

The Dhaka Times Desk Day by day Facebook is only moving forward. Facebook is implementing new steps. Now they are going to bring ads to the video!


To compete with YouTube, social media Facebook is now planning to advertise on video content. This information has been informed in a report of technology media Recode. It is believed that this new plan will provide a new way of income for Facebook and publishers.

Facebook is reportedly planning a 'mid roll' ad format in their video content. This allows video publishers to insert ads after 20 seconds in the middle of any video. This will benefit both Facebook, publishers and video creators.

It is known that the Facebook authority plans to take 45 percent of the revenue received from this new service. And the remaining half or more of the revenue will be paid to the video publishers. This is the same amount of revenue YouTube pays to their uploaders.

According to media reports, Facebook will allow publishers to create such videos. which can be sponsored by advertisers. But only a few well-known publishers will get this facility.

It should be noted that Facebook is making efforts to upload videos on their website.

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