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The niqab is banned in Morocco in North Africa!

The Dhaka Times Desk The North African country of Morocco has banned the manufacture and sale of the niqab. It is believed that the country's government has taken such steps for security reasons.

উত্তর আফ্রিকার দেশ মরক্কোতে নেকাব নিষিদ্ধ! 1

According to local media reports, the Moroccan Ministry of Interior has ordered the implementation of the rule from this week. But till now, the authorities have not made any official announcement in this regard.

Quoting a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the country's Li360 media said in a report, "We have taken steps to completely ban the import, manufacture and marketing of this garment in all cities and suburbs of the country."

The media also reported that this step was taken for security reasons. It said that since criminals use this type of clothing to commit crimes, hence the move.

It is known that the current king of Morocco, Mohammed VI, believes in moderate Islam. Most of the women in the country wear hijab and headscarf to observe the ritual of veiling. It does not cover their entire face. But women in northern regions prefer to cover their entire face.

Last Monday, officials of the Ministry of Interior conducted an awareness campaign on this matter in different areas of Casablanca, the economic capital of Morocco. They informed about the new decision of the traders there. In the northern Moroccan city of Taroudante, traders are banned from making and selling burqas.

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