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The story of American mermaids and their secret lives!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have seen many stories of mermaids in movies. But what can actually be a mermaid? But this time it happened. Today there is such a story!

যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের মৎস্যকন্যা ও তাদের গোপন জীবনের গল্প! 1

Caitlin Nielsen, an American citizen, told her school teacher when she was in kindergarten that she wanted to grow up to be a mermaid. The other children in the class laughed ho ho!

However, after a long time passed after that childhood incident, Nielsen made his dream come true at the age of 32. Currently, Nielsen is a member of a secret organization. Whose job is to think of themselves as half people, half fish! They call themselves 'merfolk'!

As she tells her story, Nielsen became interested in becoming a mermaid after watching Disney's Little Mermaid as a child. After that Nielsen always dreamed of becoming a mermaid.

The members of the secret organization created silicone tails to get the life of the mermaid. Of course, to them it is more important than the tail. According to them, it is a part of their life.

About being a mermaid, Nilsson said, 'I always felt like I was born with a flaw, the flaw being my legs. I get a rather strange feeling when I take off the tail. Suddenly two legs appear, which I never want. I feel very awkward then.'

According to a report of the Daily Mail, the number of members of this organization, which identifies itself as 'Mar', is gradually increasing throughout the United States. All of them love or prefer to wear their tails most of the day.

It is known that it took about a year to make this tail of silicon. It costs more than three and a half thousand dollars. After this tail swim in the swimming pool or sea water 'mar'!

These murres claim that whenever their tails touch the water, they feel a sense of confidence. Their minds are filled with great pleasure.

A male 'Mar' said, the most wonderful and fun thing about living as a Mar is that you can make your dreams come true through it. The way you want to live in your dreams can be turned into reality.

These Americans are connected through the network. Through this, they determine the next course of action. Not only women, there are many men in this group! There are also separate names in the 'Mar' world to connect to this network.

Last year, hundreds of 'Mars' from around the world met in Greensboro, North Carolina. Which was basically the world's biggest Mar Mania conference! There they spend time swimming in a huge swimming pool. This is how many men and women of the world are happily living the life of a fisherman or a mermaid. They are trying to live their dreams under the shadow of a secret organization. Many people say, will they transform into true mermaids and spend their lives like this?

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