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Computer first thing

The Dhaka Times Desk Computers have constantly become an integral part of our personal life, making life easier for various purposes. Office-court, school-college, where are computers not used? But only 50 years ago this situation was not there. This small device has come a long way to reach its present state. Computers and everything related to computers are first mentioned in this report.


World's first computer programmer:
The first computer programmer was a woman. She is Augusta Edda (1815-1852), daughter of the legendary English poet Byron. In his honor in 1980, the United States Department of Defense A computer language called Eda.


World's first computer game:
The world's first computer game primary format was the video game, as a cathode ray tube amusement device.
E was the first patented child computer game on January 25, 1947. However, the game was plotted on the screen of an analog device, not on a computer, with missiles being fired at various target points.


The world's first hard disk drive
Hard disk drives were first used in 1956. IBM's '305 RAMAC'
The 60 inch wide and 29 inch thick hard disk in the computer had a capacity of only 5 kilobytes.


World's First Successfully Produced CD:
Although Philips was the first to demonstrate the prototype of the CD or compact disc, it was the Japanese company Sony that was able to produce it successfully.
Was able to play 150 minutes of audio.


The world's first web cam
The first web cam was invented in 1994 called 'Fogcam' at the University of San Francisco. It is still in use.

The world's first 3D mouse:
It is said to be the world's first 3D mouse Bats, flying mice or wolves. A ring was first used as a 3D mouse by Cantok in 1990. The world was a little surprised to see this wireless mouse falling on the finger, but later it could not take a seat in the market due to insufficient resolution. The mouse was trapped with a bait station.

World's first marketed pen drive:
8 MB IBM 'Disk-on-Key' was the first USB flash drive or pen drive. It was released in the market in December 2000.

World's first e-mailing system:
Today's e-mail, popularly known as a 'kinner application', began its journey in 1965 with a time-sharing mainframe computer. Considered the world's first e-mailing system, SDC's Q32 and MIT's CTS held hands.


First person to send e-mail in the world:
This gentleman named Raymond Tomlinson sent the world's first email and he was the first email address @
Add the symbol.

World's first mobile virus:
In the mid-2000s, a virus called 'Tymphonica' was discovered which was activated by being sent from a computer to a mobile phone. However, it can be copied from mobile to mobile, judging by the characteristics of the virus 'Cabir' Viruses are basically the first villains of the mobile phone world.

The world's first antivirus:
Bernat Fix in 1987 Created the first antivirus. This antivirus is made to prevent the infection of a virus called 'MKSver'.


Father of B programming language
The previous version of computer programming C language was B language
. In 1969, the B language was introduced by the world famous Bell Labs. Sir is remembered in history as its father Ken Thompson. The language was originally a revision of the 'Basic Combined Programming' Language or BCPL.


Inventor of LCD monitor:
Although the first computer was invented in 1946, the LCD monitor technology used in computers today was invented in 1888.
. Scientist Friedrich Reinitzer Inventor of


Creator of C++ programming language
Did you know that C++ is the creator of programming language
Bjarne Stroustrup. he In 1979 At the famous Bell Labs in the United States C programming language Made it as an additional version. Like C There is also a programming language called D. It is an object-oriented, imperative, multiparadigm systems programming language developed by Walter Bright

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