The Dhaka Times Desk Adhar Chandra Model High School has been reopened after being closed for 24 consecutive days due to the much talked about Rana Plaza building collapse in Savar. The school grounds were carrying only corpses and corpses. There again, the students are full of excitement.
The Adhar Chandra Model High School ground was treated as a field of corpses only after the worst tragedy in recent memory on April 24. The families of the missing persons rushed to the Adhar Chandra Model High School grounds for the bodies. The school authorities considered this humanitarian incident and first announced a 3-day shutdown. If the procession of dead bodies continues for a long time, the school authorities declare the centenary school closed for an indefinite period.
Since the body was recovered 20 days from the day of the building collapse. Most of the 1127 bodies are kept in the school grounds. Everyone rushed to the Adhar Chandra Model High School grounds to look for the bodies of their relatives. Very few bodies were transferred from other places. 12 people died while in hospital. The bodies of these 12 people were handed over to their relatives from the hospital.
Whenever a body was found during the rescue operation at Rana Plaza, it was immediately taken to the Adhar Chandra Model High School ground. Whenever the hearse rushed from Rana Plaza towards Adhar Chandra Vidyalaya, bereaved people also rushed there. In this way, some have got close relatives and some are disappointed.
Savar Adhar Chandra Model High School was finally opened yesterday after being closed for 24 days. On the other hand, Rakhal Chandra Academy, its subsidiary institution, which is run in the same building, has also been opened. The school premises are once again full of students. The familiar form is back. A bit of curiosity and a bit of trepidation scared the students but their attendance at the school was as expected.
The students started coming to the school in groups from the morning after the news of the opening of the school on Sunday. Ignoring fear, these students spontaneously participate in class with their classmates. He entered the school with his parents. Enjoys playing with classmates. The teachers have also taken various steps to bring back the normal environment of education in the school. Because of the dead body after the dead body, it was necessary to restore the tragic atmosphere here to normal.
Harun-ur-Rashid, headmaster of Adhar Chandra High School, told reporters, "There was such a big disaster, there was no place to keep so many bodies." The students have some problems in their studies. Still Adhar Chandra High School in Savar has played a considerable role from the point of view of humanity. Every class room of the school is opened for overnight stay of relatives from all over the country.”
It is to be noted that the school authorities have decided to cancel the summer vacation and continue the classes with full enthusiasm to compensate the long-term loss of the students. Earlier, on the decision to open the school, last Saturday, May 18, Milad Mahfil and prayers were organized.
This post was last modified on মে ২০, ২০১৩ 4:43 pm
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