The Dhaka Times
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In the village where one lives

It is really a wonderful challenging news!

The Dhaka Times Desk It may seem really strange because only one person lives in a village! What really, how?

একজনের বাস যে গ্রামে 1

A person lives in an entire village. But if there are no other people with him, there is a flock of sheep. There are no people around, not even in the whole village.

The person has been living alone in the village for 10 years. Such an incident happened in the village of Xuensanse in China. For the past 10 years, a man named Liu Senjia has lived there alone. Due to some unknown reason, the village gradually became depopulated.

Liu's mother and brother also died in 2006 or 2007. And since then he has been living alone in that village. Liu has learned how to survive in a time of struggle with loneliness and surroundings. He was afraid of the call of the dog at night. That's why he started raising sheep. Since then his companion is a flock of sheep.

Liu works as a forest inspector in the local forest department. Get paid $107. He has to go far for food and drinking water. However, despite all the hardships, Liu did not leave the village. The reason is that he has fallen in love with the village, and he never wants to leave his grandparents' house. Liu may spend the rest of his life like this, being the only resident of the village of Xuansanse!


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