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Trump existed 700 years ago!

The stone statue that looks like Trump has shocked everyone!

The Dhaka Times Desk Ever since the election of the US president, Donald Trump has been distrusted around the world. This time the stone statue that looks like Trump has surprised everyone!

৭শ' বছর পূর্বেও ছিলো ট্রাম্পের অস্তিত্ব! 1

So seeing such a statue, everyone says that Donald Trump existed in the world even 700 years ago. Such questions have arisen on social media around a stone statue of Southwell Minster church in Britain. A number of stone statues are placed at the entrance to Southwell Minster church.

British writer and BBC radio host Samira Ahmed visited there after the US presidential election in November. Since then, Trump's popularity has spread to the public by making controversial comments.

At the entrance to the church, Samira Ahmed noticed a 700-year-old statue. He found an exact match with that statue and Trump's appearance. Even hair combing is exactly the same! Then Samira did not delay. After returning home, he posted a picture of the idol on Twitter.

It didn't take long for the news to spread. Donald Trump is already the President of the United States. That's why the Southwell church is overflowing with people. The general public does not mind standing in long lines to catch a glimpse of the portrait of the new US President.

According to church sources, the statue carved in stone is one of the king's 280 minister-officials. This statue was installed in this church in the 14th century. Later in the nineteenth century these idols were repaired.

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