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Russians-Tulip strongly criticized the UK on the Trump issue

Harsh criticism of UK government's lax behaviour

The Dhaka Times Desk Two British MPs of Bangladeshi origin, Rushnara Ali and Tulip Rezwana Siddique, have strongly criticized the UK government's indifference to Trump's controversial decision.

রুশনারা-টিউলিপ যুক্তরাজ্যের কঠোর সমালোচনা করলেন ট্রাম্প ইস্যুতে 1

In a speech given in the House of Commons last Wednesday, the MP for Bethnal Green and Bow constituency in London called the executive orders of the President of the United States Donald Trump as divisive and dangerous. The Russians said that the UK's strong position against these frightening policies must be communicated.

On the other hand, in a letter written to Prime Minister Theresa May last Tuesday, Tulip Rezwana Siddique strongly criticized Trump's policy. Tulip said Theresa May had failed to strongly oppose these controversial and inhumane policies. Tulip, along with some Labor MPs, wrote the letter to the Prime Minister.

Since coming to power, Trump has issued a series of executive orders imposing controversial decisions. His executive order halted the refugee resettlement program in the United States for at least 120 days. Syrian refugees banned from entering the US indefinitely. Also, citizens of 7 Muslim countries have been temporarily banned from entering the United States.

In response to these actions taken by Trump, there have been demands to cancel his visit to the UK. In 4 days, more than 1.7 million people signed a petition launched in the UK. The matter has been scheduled for discussion on February 20 in Parliament. 110 MPOs have signed a motion raised in the country's parliament with the same demand.

The subject of Donald Trump came up again and again during the prime minister's question and answer session in Parliament that day. The British Prime Minister came under heavy criticism for not clarifying the UK's position on Trump's reckless policies.

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