The Dhaka Times
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Tourists panic after the death of 2 tourists trapped in Lalakhal in Sylhet!

The Dhaka Times Desk A lot of panic has spread among the tourists as 2 tourists got trapped in the silt during their visit to Lalakhal in Jaintapur Upazila of Sylhet.

সিলেটের লালাখালে চোরাবালিতে আটকে ২ পর্যটকের মৃত্যুর পর পর্যটকদের আতঙ্ক! 1

This tragic accident happened at zero point of Lalakhal last Tuesday around 4:30 pm. The two tourists are Hasan, the son of Humayun Reza of Dhaka. Saeed (25) and Chapainawabganj Md. Ibrahim Hussain's son Ishaq Ibrahim (25). Both of them are students of Zahurul Islam Medical College in Kishoreganj.

It is known that they came to Sylhet with their friends. That day (Tuesday) in the afternoon, Saeed and Ibrahim drowned while taking a bath in Lalakhal. Later local residents rescued them and took them to Jaintapur Upazila Health Complex, but doctors on duty declared them dead.

Meanwhile, such an incident has spread panic among tourists. Locals say it has become necessary to take precautionary measures for incoming tourists. Because accidents happen from time to time.

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