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Mobile phone charge in 20 seconds!

The Dhaka Times Desk Isha Khare, an eight-year-old school student from California, won the $50,000 Intel Foundation Young Award for inventing mobile phone charger technology in 20 seconds. And this news has created a stir in the technology-based world market.


Everyone will be excited to get the news that mobile can be charged in just 20 seconds. Especially in Bangladesh, this news is golden. Because mobile usage in Bangladesh is more than other countries of the world. A small device like a battery has been invented by Isha Khare, an eighth-grader from Saratoga, California, USA. Which gets fully charged in just 20 to 30 seconds.

The device is called a 'supercapacitor', which can store large amounts of energy in a very small space, can be charged quickly and can hold that charge for a long time.

Where conventional rechargeable batteries can be recharged up to 1000 times on average, the device invented by Isha Khar can be recharged up to 10000 times.

Isha has won a prize of 50 thousand dollars by presenting his invented technology at the recently held Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. When asked what inspired him to invent this amazing technology, Isha Khare said, 'My mobile phone always runs out of charge. This is what worked the most.'
On the other hand, it is much more flexible than conventional batteries – Isha Khare says, because of its flexible properties it can be used with fried displays or cloth. In this case, Isha also claimed that the field and opportunity of using this 'supercapacitor' is much more than that of ordinary batteries.

Isha Khare dreams of using the invented device in mobile phones or devices that run on rechargeable batteries. And if this dream of his finally comes true, such devices including mobile phones can be charged quickly, as well as they can be used for a long time after charging once. It will play a major role especially in the case of Bangladesh. Because of the frequent loadshedding problems in Bangladesh. This mobile phone or rechargeable battery will benefit us in many ways. We expect this technology to migrate from California to Bangladesh in the near future.

Source: Bangladesh

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