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People have been living in the cemetery for hundreds of years!

The graves are shaped like houses. There are also windows, doors and roof water tanks

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know that Egypt is famous for its mummies and pyramids. This city is also called the city of the dead. People have been living in these cemeteries for hundreds of years!

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The graves here are more like the shape of houses. There are also windows, doors and roof water tanks. Located on the outskirts of Cairo, this town is known to the locals as El-Arafa.

5 lakh people live here in the midst of hundreds of tombs. From seventh century to 1400 years they are living in this tomb. The graves are shaped like houses. There is also a small garden. Not only that, the graves are also decorated very nicely.

In this city of the dead, there is one person to look after the graves. The people of Cairo build graves in such a way that their families can also be there. It is known that grave caretakers earn about $125 a month.

About the 1960s. Cairo underwent rapid urbanization and industrial modernization under Nasser's presidency. Two schools were built during Hosni Mubarak's regime. The 1992 Cairo earthquake forced many people to take shelter in their family tombs. Currently, the level of criminal activity has increased here. Various criminal activities including drug trafficking take place from secret places inside the tombs.

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