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Plastic has been sent away forever from paradise!

The forest and fauna of the island of Principe, off the west coast of Africa, is one of Africa's greatest resources

The Dhaka Times Desk The forest and fauna of the island of Principe, off the west coast of Africa, is one of Africa's greatest resources. Plastic bottles have also attacked there, this time plastic has been sent away forever from Swargadwip!

প্লাস্টিককে চির বিদায় দেওয়া হলো স্বর্গদ্বীপ হতে! 1

Environmentalists are trying to remove this plastic. Various initiatives have been taken to protect the environment from plastic pollution. And if all those initiatives are implemented, plastic is being sent away forever from Swargadwip!

Many plastic bottles have accumulated in everyone's backyard. After a few months, they were taken away.

All plastic bottles in the yard are taken away. Collect all the bottles in one place then they are lifted and taken away.

Silene Fernandez is an activist at the Biosphere Reserve. He said, “Everybody wants this Biosphere bottle. Especially the little ones feel very excited about it. They collect all the plastic, there is hardly any plastic left on the road.”

Everyone in the region has found a way to bring their bottles. One of the best ways to get anywhere in Principe is to hop on a horse-drawn carriage. And so there was a huge crowd at the place to take the bottle. The whole day goes on like this. Everyone has to stand patiently in the line.

Siline Fernandez was packing bottles by the count. He is an activist of Biosphere Reserve. Cooking oil comes in most bottles, he said. The bottles are collected in Silain every few months. Not one or two, 4.5 million plastic bottles. But these bottles used to pollute the environment.

Many people have piles of bottles in their homes. A girl said, "I fill this bottle with water and take it to school, so I can eat it when I get hungry." I want to count 50 bottles. "Which color do you want, red or gold color? And if you bring ten bottles, you get one more, how about that?”

Biosphere Reserve worker Estrella Matilde is in charge of coordinating this project. He said, "We have accumulated 4 tons of plastic right now. We have stored them in the capital Sao Tome. A transport company helps us. They took the bottles to Lisbon free of charge. There are two recycling companies that take the bottles.”

This is how Swargadwip is going to say goodbye to plastic forever.

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