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Mini Taj Mahal built as a symbol of love at the age of 82!

India's 82-year-old Faizul wants to be remembered by building the Taj Mahal to commemorate his love for his wife.

The Dhaka Times Desk In the 17th century, the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal to commemorate his love for his wife and has been immortalized in history. This time at the age of 82, another person built the Taj Mahal as a sign of love!

৮২ বছর বয়সে ভালবাসার নিদর্শন হিসেবে গড়লেন মিনি তাজমহল! 1

According to media reports, this new Shah Jahan was found in Uttar Pradesh, India. He also built a new Taj Mahal as a sign of love for his wife!

The man's name is Faizul Hasan Qadri from Buland, Uttar Pradesh, India. The 82-year-old man was a postmaster by profession. Faizul is building a small Taj Mahal to keep the memory of his wife Tajamuli Begum alive. People of Buland town call it 'Mini Taj Mahal'.

Faizul-Tajammuli had no children. When he died of throat cancer in 2011, his wife said, 'No one will remember me after death.' The retired postmaster promised his wife, 'I will remember you. I will build a memorial for you.'

That is the work. Since 2012, Faizul has been building this mini Taj Mahal with his own hands. But it is not fully developed yet. He works for 8 hours every day to complete the work. Faizul Hasan Qadri has spent all his life savings, land, wife's jewelry, even money from pension for this Taj Mahal.

Although the work of Taj Mahal is not yet completed, many people come from different parts of India to see it every day. Faizul Hasan Qadri has expressed the hope of completing its work before taking his last breath.

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