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Scientists' opinion: there is no such thing as eternal love!

The Dhaka Times Desk We know love is eternal. But this time a researcher said something different. He said, there is no such thing as eternal love!

বিজ্ঞানীদের অভিমত: চিরন্তন ভালোবাসা বলে কিছু নেই! 1

In her new book Love 2.0: How Our Supreme Emotion Affects Everything We Feel, Think, Do, and Become, psychologist Barbara Frederickson offers a whole new take on love!

Aye Frederickson is a leading researcher on positive emotions at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He claimed that love is not what we think love is. He has also presented scientific evidence in his favor.

He also says that no marriage survives because of a long-term, constant presence of emotions. Anxiety and passion are not the only characteristics of young love. It is not a kinship bond either.

According to Fredrickson, love is a collection of small moments of positive resonance. Love is a connection that creates a flood of positive feelings. which you create communication with others. You can also experience these moments with your romantic partner or child or a close friend. But you can fall in love with someone even for a moment. For example, a stranger on the street, a coworker, or someone standing in line at the grocery store.

According to researcher Frederickson, limiting love to a specific person (life partner or spouse) limits the health and happiness that people get from love. But now most of the people in the world are used to thinking that their love is restricted to only one special person.

Frederickson also says that single people who are waiting to find that special someone to love are living in a fool's paradise. They basically believe in the myths about romantic love. Rather, if they search for and enjoy love in the small moments of connection with others, then their loneliness or loneliness will go away very easily. Researcher Frederickson notes that we experience these types of positive connecting moments countless times every day.

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