The Dhaka Times Desk A picture of a minister and a street pie vendor is currently viral. That minister is Communications, Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader.
We know that one of the most popular personalities among the country's politicians is Awami League General Secretary and Minister of Communications, Transport and Bridges Obaidul Quader.
He is a very favorite personality to all the politicians and common people of Bangladesh. He is also called the crack of the movie. His simple life. He wears a t-shirt most of the time and walks very casually.
Moreover, he does not have any type of debt. He never hesitates to take direct action. One of the reasons why it is preferred by common people is its simplicity.
Obaidul Quader visited Rajshahi yesterday (Friday). He has also posted some pictures from there on his Facebook verified page. It can be seen there that people are happily eating pitha like ordinary people from a shop selling pitha on the side of the road. The lady pitha vendor looks at the minister as if surprised. That pitha seller might not have thought that he would become a minister and eat ordinary pitha on the roadside.
Usually even a little wealthy people never eat anything from such open street shops.
But this is not a new incident for Obaidul Quader. Obaidul Quader has won the praises of many times before by walking like a normal person, including shopping from a roadside curry shop, drinking tea from a tea tong shop.
After posting that picture on Facebook, there has been a lot of response. Because the common people are not used to seeing the high class people of the country in general. So when a person does such a thing, all his actions are held in the heart, praised and then the general public can do everything for him. That is, those who stand by the people, the people always stand by them.
This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৮, ২০১৭ 10:47 pm
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