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German Chancellor Merkel said: Islam is not the source of terrorism

The joint fight against Islamic terrorism is one area where our interests are common

The Dhaka Times Desk German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Islam is not a source of terrorism, but the fight against terrorism in Muslim-majority countries is an important issue.

জার্মান চ্যান্সেলর মার্কেল বলেছেন: ইসলাম সন্ত্রাসবাদের উৎস নয় 1

The German Chancellor also mentioned his interest in working together with Russia in the fight against terrorism. The German Chancellor said these things at the security conference in Munich last Saturday.

German Chancellor Merkel criticized Donald Trump's ban on the entry of citizens of 7 Muslim countries into the United States in the presence of US Vice President Mike Pence.

In her speech, German Chancellor Merkel stressed on sustaining and strengthening multilateral organizations such as the European Union (EU), NATO and the United Nations. Merkel added, 'Working together makes everyone stronger. We also need to see whether multilateral infrastructures are functioning properly in different places.'

The Chancellor of Germany also said that Europe's relationship with Russia is still challenging. However, it is important to work with the country in the fight against IS or such terrorist groups. He said, 'Joint fight against Islamic terrorism is an area where our interests are the same. We can work together on this.'

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