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A hen will lay a variety of eggs!

Scientists at the University of Edinburgh have developed such a hybrid chicken in their laboratory

The Dhaka Times Desk After a long research, the researchers said that one hen will lay different types of eggs. This genetically modified chicken can lay eggs of various species!

নানা প্রজাতির ডিম পাড়বে এক মুরগি! 1

Although it looks like ten other chickens, this chicken has left behind in terms of features. This breed of chicken has become the best due to genetic changes in the body.

Scientists at the University of Edinburgh have developed such a hybrid chicken in their laboratory.

Recently, through a conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Massachusetts, the concerned scientists presented this novel matter to everyone.

In this conference, they said, these hybrid chickens born due to genetic engineering are capable of laying different types of eggs. Not only this, this new breed of chicken can easily prevent diseases like bird flu. That is, no chicken born from its eggs can be infected with bird flu.

Edinburgh scientists also said that a gene called DDX4 (DDX4) plays a key role in the reproduction of birds. This gene is modified by editing methods. But this hybrid chicken cannot lay its own eggs. So how can he breed different types of chickens? This question may come up.

Mike McGrew, the lead researcher of the research team, said that this chicken will actually play the role of surrogate mother. What exactly is that like? The answer is that if the stem cells of another species of chicken are brought and placed in the womb of a hybrid chicken, then this hybrid chicken will produce eggs of that species in its own body. And then he will lay eggs of that kind of chicken.

The question has come, why the idea of making such a chicken or the real scientists?

Scientist McGrew's simple answer is, "Our main objective is to save the extinct species of chicken". Since this chicken can lay eggs of other species, the concerned scientists claim that this new hybrid chicken will help to save the endangered species.

It is known that this new hybrid chicken has already laid eggs of rare breeds of chickens such as 'Rumpel's Game', 'Scots Dumpy', 'Sicilian Buttercup', 'Old English Pheasant Fowl'!

Scientists have said, there is no doubt that this chicken will revive rare and extinct species in the near future.

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