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Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge was recognized as the best smartphone

Annual Global Mobile Awards at the 2017 Mobile World Congress

The Dhaka Times Desk The Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge was recognized as the best smartphone in the Best Mobile Handset and Device category at the annual Global Mobile Awards at Mobile World Congress 2017.

সেরা স্মার্টফোনের স্বীকৃতি পেলো স্যামসাং গ্যালাক্সি এস৭ এজ 1

According to media reports, Samsung as a leading brand in mobile innovation has been providing best quality hardware, software and services. Moreover, Samsung is working tirelessly to bring new innovations to consumers worldwide.

The company said that the Galaxy S7 edge smartphone was given this recognition for its excellent design, advanced camera and extraordinary performance.

Junho Park, Vice President, Global Product Strategy, Mobile Communications Business, Samsung Electronics said, 'We are truly honored to receive this recognition for our technical design and innovation in the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. This honor is the result of our continuous work efforts. Moreover, in the past we have continued to fulfill the expectations of the customers by bringing breakthrough mobile technology. Our initiative will continue in the future.'

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