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A doctor donated his kidney to save a colleague!

Both of them work at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach, California, USA

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to greatness in the world. People can do anything they want. People can also set precedents. For example, a doctor donated his kidney to save a colleague!

এক চিকিৎসক সহকর্মীকে বাঁচাতে নিজের কিডনি দান করলেন! 1

American woman doctor Colleen Coleman donated her kidney to save the life of a colleague. He donated his kidney to save ailing doctor Brian Dunn. Both of them work at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach, California, USA.

Brian Dunn had a stomach tumor as a teenager. He used chemotherapy to cure it. But due to the effect of treatment, both his kidneys failed. A kidney transplant at any cost becomes necessary to save life. Experts suggest that if a donor is available, his kidney can be transplanted. In such a situation, Dun almost despaired.

He received a kidney from his mother at the age of 25. It does not last forever after transplanting another kidney. In late 2015, Dunn's health began to fail. He kept getting sick. It was difficult for him to play with his little girl. He started dialysis from last April. He had to go through this procedure four times a day to purify the blood. It is also time consuming and tiring.

Again, Coleman's help was almost missed. The reason is that the initial tests mistakenly showed that his kidney was not matching with the right one. But the testing agency caught the mistake last June and immediately notified Coleman again. He began to rethink his kidney donation. Finally he agreed thinking of the 6 year old girl on the right. He did not want the girl to lose her father and grow up as an orphan. Coleman's grandmother also died of kidney failure at one point. Coleman's mother was only 6 years old at the time.

The kidney donation and graft surgery was completed last month. Then Coleman went to see Dunn. The 45-year-old Dunn expressed immense gratitude to his great colleague.

Coleman is 51 years old. Back at work saw numerous flowers, a cake and people full of greetings! Everyone is honoring him as a hero for his selfless sacrifice. An emotional Coleman said he had no idea the impact would be so great.

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