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'Kim Jong Un's stepbrother was killed!'

Two ministers of the country planned the murder of stepbrother Kim Jong Nam!

The Dhaka Times Desk The two ministers of the country planned the assassination of his half-brother Kim Jong Nam on the orders of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un!

‘কিম জং উনের নির্দেশে সৎভাইকে হত্যা করা হয়!’ 1

South Korean intelligence agencies have made this claim. This information emerged in a CNN report last Tuesday.

Citing information from intelligence agencies, the country's two lawmakers said the North's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of National Security had appointed two people detained on suspicion of involvement in Nam's murder.

The two parliament members said, "Kim Jong Nam's assassination is a planned act of terrorism ordered by Kim Jong Un."

In this regard, a South Korean parliament member named Kim Byung-ke said, 'Two assassins and a supporting group were involved in the murder.'

North Korea has denied the South's accusations from the beginning. They have been claiming that South Kuria media is spreading false news about Nam's murder.

It should be noted that on February 24, Kim Jong Nam was killed by chemical means. According to the Malaysian police, a type of chemical called 'VX nerve agent' was used to kill Nam.

VX nerve agent or S-2 disopropylaminoethyl methylphosphonothiolate is one such chemical weapon. It has been designated as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.

Kim Jong Nam was attacked by two women as he prepared to board a flight from Malaysia's Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Macau. He was killed after this incident.

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