Nokia has now entered the Android era

The Dhaka Times Desk HMD Global, the maker of the world-renowned Nokia mobile, has announced the launch of three new generation Nokia Android smartphones.

Nokia has unveiled 3 Android smartphones at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain.

The most talked about and anticipated new Nokia smartphones around the world are Nokia 6, Nokia 5 and Nokia 3. Among these phones, the Nokia 6 smartphone is expected to entertain the users with its amazing design and beautiful design. The quality of the Nokia 3 smartphone is also quite good. It is also affordable in terms of price.

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It is known that these smartphones of the new generation of Nokia will run on Android Nougat operating system.

Note that Nokia's reputation was at the top in Bangladesh at the beginning of mobile technology. In the late 90s, Nokia Mobile took over the country's market.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ৩, ২০১৭ 11:07 pm

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