The story of Amit's departure!

The Dhaka Times Desk How many events are happening in the world every day. How many lives are lost prematurely but not all cases can be accepted. Amit's case is also one such case. I felt the need to draw everyone's attention, so I presented Amit's story.

Feeling the need to draw everyone's attention, I want to tell Amit's story. A boy who is always smiling like water has gone from the chest of the world, I don't know why, I can't accept this. So there's something long to say about Amit's departure, something we need to know, something we need to do.

For those who don't know Amit. Amit is a very brilliant, sharp boy, a boy who excels in sports and studies. After passing mechanical engineering in 2008, he got a job in Unilever Bangladesh. In 2014, Amit took over as the Manager of Technology and Innovation at Unilever after receiving continuous promotion on his merits. Despite having a smooth career in corporate, Amit always wanted to study his dream subject. I often told my friends, you are working on immigration, and I am saving money by working in the country so that I can send you there. Mechanical, robotics, artificial intelligence attracted him very much. Amit left his job in 2016 and came to Toronto with his wife Maury and Anish, who had just joined him in 1 year. Amit was not like other immigrants like us, who immediately fell into the job war upon arrival. Whenever he met, he would say, I have done a lot of work, brother, I want to wear it now. In 2016, Amit got his dream subject in mechatronics, Ryerson University. Everything was going well, studying, playing with friends, sneaking into friends' houses at night, playing with Aneesh.

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Amit likes to play, Amit likes to run, sometimes wears a track suit and runs 7-8 kilos to his friends house. He threatened his friends to come, "If you sit like that, you will have a heart attack when you sit like that, let's run." “Friends go out, but don't get along with Amit. I was playing badminton doubles with Amit that day too. Before the start of the game, Amit said to me, "Brother, I am not good at badminton, but I can run, you will press and I will run all over the court, the opponent will see and get scared."

Amit's chest hurts a little for a few days. On the 27th, the pain worsened enough that Amit went to the emergency room at East York General Hospital. Anyone who has been to an emergency here knows how painful it is. Anyway, the operator heard Amit's description in the tray, pain right next to the heart. Pressure gauge showed 110-150. So Amit was sent inside earlier knowing that there was something to fear. But this is only a step. As usual, Amit had to sit like a bell to show the duty doctor. ECG was given to the duty doctor. Again sitting for that few hours. Finally after the report came the doctor said "ok, you have high blood pressure and there are some irregularities in your heart, but I am not that much worried about that"
Amit said "but I have chest pain".
The doctor replied,
the chest pain might be from cold, take some rest and if the pain is too much take some advil, you will be fine, and if you like you can follow up with your family doctor”
Amit had no family doctor since he didn't have anything before. After telling this to the duty doctor, the doctor said "ok then you have to come to emergency". Amit was released saying this.
Who does not like to stay in the hospital, Amit comes home.

After coming home, Amit developed a slight fever the next day. But it goes again. Even so, Amit and his wife agreed to go to the emergency room again. But Amit has a test on Thursday. Who wants to spend 4-5 hours just sitting in the emergency room the day before the exam? So, Amit and Maury will go to the emergency room after the examination together. And the doctor knows very well, I didn't think it was anything serious after hearing about it last time.
1st March, Wednesday and like other days, Amit was at home, busy with his studies. After evening, Amit, a younger brother of 5th floor from his 20th floor apartment, comes to Arnav's apartment to talk.
They were talking on the balcony. Arnav suddenly feels that Amit is moving towards the railing with wobbly legs, it seems that he might fall, as soon as he catches Amit falls to the ground. Foam starts coming from the mouth. Arnav immediately called 911. He realizes that Amit's breath is getting short. The 911 operator kept telling Arnav how to give CPR. Arnav also tries his best, but Arnav realizes that Amit is getting tired. The paramedic team arrived within 15 minutes. Tried with everything. Amit was then taken to the hospital. It was 11 pm. After all the tests, the doctor said "he is not with us anymore". We elder brother, younger brother, friends are in the hospital, we don't understand what is happening. Maury is not crying, she is sitting with a blank look like a stone, one and a half year old Anish is crying, Anish's eyes are full of fear. For some unknown reason, even such a small child senses that something big has happened. None of us have the courage to look anyone in the eye. After hearing the doctor's words, Anik's closest friend Nahin said "Brother, I have prayed", for about an hour and a half, Nahin may have been praying "Allah so that this news does not come true". We felt how heavy the wind can be that day. When you want to breathe, the throat and chest are getting tight. What was mixed in the air? Anish is not sleeping, taking turns playing lullaby. I took Aneesh in one hand, I said to his ear slowly, "Sleep, father, nothing happened," Aneesh looked at me blankly and then put his head on my shoulder. Why is everything so broken? Why is everything so random? Amit's aunt is constantly exclaiming, "What shall I tell her mother?" . Maury is confused but silent. Meanwhile, the police, the coroner, the doctors are coming and telling Maury what to do. Maury listens blankly. After trying for so long, Anish is sleeping in Anik's lap, as per Dipu's knowledge, all the prayers are going away. Doyle is interrupted by Amit's aunt, "Dad, it's all over." Yes, this is how Amit left before understanding anything.

Now let's come to the real point, everyone who was there that day agreed to a question. Is it because of this destiny that we leave our mother, father, brother and sister and come to this country? This is how to accept the last part of life? Every time you go to the country, your mother says, "It's too much, don't leave." Even with clenched teeth, we leave again to give Kamala to this country. Amit was not bad, none of us were bad in the country. I heard how good the medical system is in this country. But still have to accept this kind of death?

After the incident, we repeatedly heard from Maury, what happened the previous day. Every time I hear it I think "no big problem". Are we immigrants not taken seriously? How would a patient know his condition is serious unless the doctor just follows the procedure and says nothing to worry about? Why was Amit discharged that day if it was assumed there was some problem. Treatment in this country is not free, we are taking services by paying taxes. Why so much negligence?

The main purpose of writing such a large letter is to create a public opinion. Telling the appropriate authorities "there is something wrong, you guys can't just treat us like that, we deserve better than this" either their whole system is wrong, or else they are not giving importance to us intentionally.

At the moment we have decided that we will proceed with this matter. I will listen to your opinion. Should we take legal action? Who can help us in that case? What should we do? We want to send a letter to Kartipaksha through a public opinion. I'm sure many in this group have had bad experiences with the medical system, we'd love to hear that too. I want to understand the government of Canada, "there is a voice of Bengali, and they have to treat us well"
What happened today in Amit's life can happen any moment in our life. But this country does not stop, we forget everything in search of livelihood. The day after Amit died, everyone had to win at the office. The whole day in the office was chasing the night before. My friend got a call from Abedin, "What's in the office?" "Yes, what can I do, I can't do anything." "That's it, don't worry even if you die, I have to work the next day too. "I work, I pay tax. This is life.

Thanks for staying with such a great message. We really need your advice.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ৫, ২০১৭ 10:27 pm

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