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Know where interesting hotels are? In the Amazon jungle!

This time, such a news really shocked everyone

The Dhaka Times Desk Probably no one thought that there could be such a beautiful hotel in the Amazon jungle. But this time such a news really surprised everyone.

আকর্ষণীয় হোটেল কোথায় জানেন? আমাজনের জঙ্গলে! 1

A man named Jack Kastu was a tourist. He loved to travel. Once he came to visit the Amazon. That's when the idea of building a completely different kind of hotel came to his mind. He planned the location of the hotel inside the Amazon jungle.

The accommodation in the hotel will be high above the ground i.e. on the tree. An imprint of the local Amazonian way of life will also be evident throughout the hotel. But there will be no lack of comfort in the hotel.

He told a local hotelier about such an idea. He also liked the idea. He also agreed to pay the expenses. Then the plan of Jacques Kastur's dream was soon realized. It was about 1985. The special hotel officially started its journey.

Located inside the Amazon jungle, this hotel is named 'Ariau Amazon Jungle Towers'. The Amazon River flows through the heart of the Amazon jungle. One of the tributaries of this river is the Rio Negro. The Ariau Towers are located right next to where the Rio Negro enters the Ariau Creek.

The closest city to Manaus is by boat. On that way, however, boats come and go twice a day. However, there is also a direct helicopter ride arrangement. This is how this hotel has become an attractive place for tourists.

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