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It will cost 95 million US dollars to stay in a floating hotel in space!

The 25x14 feet hotel will be called 'Aurora Station'.

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to the research of space researchers. A floating hotel is being established in space to make it suitable for human use!

মহাকাশে স্থাপিত ভাসমান হোটেলে থাকতে খরচ হবে ৯৫ লক্ষ মার্কিন ডলার! 1

This time the hotel will really float on zero. Anyone can spend the night in such a hotel in space. But the pocket must be strong. A company called 'Orion Space' in Houston plans to build such a hotel. It will be the world's first space hotel if built.

According to a news of Kolkata 24, the name of the 25X14 feet hotel will be 'Aurora Station'. It's not too late. The hotel will be opened by 2021. Passengers will be brought around the world in just 12 days. The hotel can accommodate four people, plus two crew members. For this adventure, each passenger will have to count 95 million US dollars! To be fair, you have to spend 7 lakh 91 thousand 666 dollars per night to stay in this hotel. You have to pay 80 thousand dollars to book a seat online. However, that money is refundable.

However, it has been reported that the cost of going to space is decreasing every week. That's why the company called Orion Space can take it to space for so little money.

That adventure is about what to do, not just the luxury of staying at a hotel. There will be many more interesting things. First of all, you can have the fun of floating outside of gravity. You can see what your city, village or country looks like from space. Its passengers can also participate in research like food production while sitting in space. You can also talk to friends or relatives in the world through live streaming!

But only booking is not enough. After booking, at least 3 months of training will be given before staying at this hotel. That process will start online. It is said that only those who are more enthusiastic about space will be given preference.

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