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How did your friend request get suspended on Facebook? find out

Did you like someone's profile picture? Or you got someone you know

The Dhaka Times Desk Many times it is seen that you have given friend request to someone. But there is no trace of him. What actually happened remains unknown to you. How did your friend request get suspended on Facebook? Find out now.

ফেসবুকে আপনার ফ্রেন্ড রিকুয়েস্ট কীভাবে ঝুলিয়ে রাখা হয়েছে? জেনে নিন 1

Did you like someone's profile picture? Or you got someone you know. So he immediately sent a friend request. But after sending a friend request, he saw that there was no response! You don't even understand the future of that friend request. Friend Request sent is like a chat you want to see if your request has been accepted. After a few days, you may have forgotten who you sent the friend request to, etc.

How you can see people who hang your friend request together is unknown to many. Find out today. To do this first go to your Facebook profile page. Then click on 'Friends' from there.

Then you will see a new page will appear. From there, click on the 'Friends Request' option on the left side of Find Friend.

After clicking, you will see another page. There you will see an option called 'View Sent Request'. By clicking there, you can understand who has suspended your friend request. You can then cancel the friend request from there if you want.

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