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The new laptop in HP's Chromebook series

This new laptop model is Chromebook X360 11 G1

The Dhaka Times Desk The world's top technology manufacturer HP has launched a new laptop in the Chromebook series. The laptop will run Windows 10 Pro operating system.

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This new laptop model is Chromebook X360 11 G1. This is the Education Edition. The device is based on the HP ProBook X360 111 G1. Its display is 11.6 inches. The resolution of the display is 1366x768 pixels.

The laptop has a Celeron N3350 or Pentium N4200 processor. It also has 8 GB DDR3 RAM, 128 GB flash storage.

However, there is still no idea about the price of this new laptop. Buyers will be able to buy it from the market in mid-April.

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