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Breaking news: 3 Bangladeshis killed in road accident in Saudi Arabia

Muslim Mullah of Mohammadpur village in Doha and Salim of Joypara village in the same area and A: Rashid of Manikganj.

The Dhaka Times Desk 3 Bangladeshis were killed in a road accident in Wadi Al Darus area on the way from Jizan in Saudi Arabia to Riyadh.

ব্রেকিং নিউজ: সৌদি আরবে সড়ক দুর্ঘটনায় ৩ বাংলাদেশি নিহত 1

According to media reports, the accident happened at 3.45 pm local time in Saudi Arabia. Another Bangladeshi was injured in this incident.

The deceased are Muslim Molla of Mohammadpur village in Dhaka's Dohar and Salim of Joypara village in the same area and A: Rashid of Manikganj. On the other hand, Harun of Banga Upazila of Faridpur district was injured. All of them were going to Riyadh in search of work from Jizan.

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