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Do you know what causes mosquitoes to bite more? Find out today

Mosquitoes are capable of expressing more 'love' for one person among many people. That is, they bite more

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to the researchers' research on mosquito bites. So the researchers said why mosquitoes bite more. Know the matter.

Blood type, body composition, smell - mosquitoes are able to show more 'love' for one among many people due to several reasons. That is, they bite more.

Chatting with friends and being fed up with mosquito bites. Friends may joke that "your blood tastes better" or "mosquitoes love you a little more". So it bites you like this. It may sound like a joke, but science says the extra love a mosquito has for you may actually be real.

According to a report on a health website, the technical advisor of the American Mosquito Control Association, Dr. Joe Conlon says, “Mosquitoes may be more attracted to you because of a particular body material or scent. There are many researches going on about the issues. Researchers believe that the number of attracted elements can be up to 400. Although the research has only just begun, we have been able to identify some of the factors.” Said the researcher.

These factors attract mosquitoes like a magnet. Remember that these elements of the human body can be understood by mosquitoes even from a distance of more than one and a half hundred feet or 50 meters!

Blood group and mosquitoes

Those whose blood group is 'O positive' or 'O negative' are favorite targets of mosquitoes. On the other hand, those with blood group 'A' are almost twice as attracted to mosquitoes as compared to group 'O'. The attraction of mosquitoes to the blood of 'B positive' and 'B negative' groups is very less than that of 'O positive' or 'O negative'. But slightly more than 'A positive' or 'A negative'.

Emission of carbon-dioxide

Mosquitoes are highly attracted to all forms of carbon dioxide. The bigger the body, the more carbon dioxide it releases. That is why adults are seen to be bitten by mosquitoes more than children. Again, mosquitoes are more attracted to pregnant mothers than adults for similar reasons.

Understands skin type

Due to the high amount of steroids or cholesterol in the skin, mosquitoes are more attracted. However, high cholesterol in the skin does not mean high cholesterol in the body. As the body becomes more efficient at processing more cholesterol, cholesterol spills over into the skin as a byproduct. Because of which mosquitoes are more attracted. They want to go near them, drinking blood!

Why the attraction to players?

Mosquitoes always like warmth, physical movement, smell of sweat. Mosquitoes can smell lactic acid, uric acid, ammonia etc. in sweat. Therefore, those who do sports and physical activity are attacked by mosquitoes a little more than usual.

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