The Dhaka Times Desk Instead of a four-stroke engine driven CNG car, a new car named Cute from India's Bajaj Company (BAJAJ RE.60) is coming.
Runner Automobile Limited is bringing it to the market of Bangladesh. The official marketing program of this car was inaugurated on March 27 at International Convention City Bashundhara (ICCB) in the capital.
Bajaj General Manager Manish Shingrathor said on the occasion, "We are proud to bring Bajaj's four-wheeler Cute Runner to the Bangladeshi market." Because these vehicles are safe, attractive, fuel efficient and also very useful for the environment. It has already been marketed in 20 countries around the world.
It is known that the risk of accidents is very less as this transport has 4 wheels. The price of the four-wheeler cute brand car is Tk 4 lakh 99 thousand. It can carry 4 to 5 passengers at a time.
This new cute car has a 20 bhp single cylinder engine. It can run at a speed of 70 km. This car can travel 37 km on 1 liter of oil. It emits only 60 grams of carbon per kilometer, which can be called environmentally friendly.
It is expected that this new type of vehicle will be very popular in traffic congestion. As an alternative vehicle, it will be able to play an important role in various fields including schools, private universities, tourists and offices. An official of the company said that 20 dealers will be appointed to market this car within the next nine months.
This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২১, ২০১৭ 6:10 pm
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