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A poor child who will die for lack of money?

Bank Account: Kamruzzaman Bablu, Account Number 09934000569, Standard Bank Limited, Jhenaidah Branch. Please help by sharing the news

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many people in this world who have no shortage of money. But in the absence of this money, such an innocent child is running towards death! This world is very strange!!

One such news has been published in a daily. After hearing that you will die for lack of money, you can't sit still. There is no way to understand that this child Anichuzzaman is suffering from a complex disease. But the real reality is that the baby's heart was diagnosed at the age of 6 months. The doctors said, if the surgery is not done quickly, the child may suffer a lot. However, even after 6 years, the poor father of Shishu Ai, Md. Kamaruzzaman, could not raise two and a half lakh rupees for the surgery.

Anichuzzaman is slowly moving towards his end in front of the whole family, seeing which Kamaruzzaman and other family members are secretly shedding tears. But there are many people in our society who can donate two and a half lakh rupees alone.

Anichuzzaman's house in Kasthasagra village of Kalicharanpur union of Jhenaidah Sadar upazila. Baba Kamaruzzaman works at a transport counter for very little salary. He has a family of five with two daughters, one son and his wife. Kamaruzzaman had a tin shed house on 6th century land and 17th century land in the field. The field had to be sold a long time ago because of the son's treatment; Only the house remains.

Jhenaidah Sadar Hospital Cardiologist AKM Kamal told the media that the child needs surgery very soon. As time passes, the risk increases. As it is now, surgery can save him. That is why two to two and a half lakh rupees are required.

Currently this 7-year-old Anichuzzaman is surviving only by taking medicine. Being sick, he spends time at home; Can't even go to school.

In this regard, Mizanur Rahman, a member of the local ward of Kalicharanpur Union Parishad, said that the child's father has also come to him several times. He cooperated as much as possible. Mentioning that such a situation, a child will die for lack of treatment, it can never happen. Many have already contributed some money. Everyone has been invited to come forward.

To support him:

Bank Account Number: Kamruzzaman Bablu, Account Number 09934000569, Standard Bank Limited, Jhenaidah Branch. Please help by sharing the news.

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