The Dhaka Times
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BREAKING NEWS: The baby who cried at the funeral is really gone today!

The Dhaka Times Desk The child who cried moments before the burial died today at Square Hospital in the capital.


This child cried just before burial in Faridpur. The child was brought to Dhaka from Faridpur by helicopter for treatment.

The treatment started at Square Hospital in the capital. But the physical condition of the child was not good at all. That is why blood is taken from the body for some of his tests. However, blood starts coming out from the place where the blood is taken. The blood could not be stopped. Due to which this innocent child finally succumbs to death. It is the second time that he fell into the lap of death. Death that no one can ever stop. This child had to surrender to the cruel truth of the world! The baby was named Ghalib Hayat.

It should be noted that cricketer Nazmul Huda Mithu and lawyer Nazneen Akhtar's first child was born in Faridpur's local clinic Dr. Zaheed Memorial Hospital. After the birth, a doctor there said that the baby girl was dead. Then the relatives took him to the cemetery to bury him. However, Maulana asked him to come in the morning as he would not bury at night. And just before burial in the morning, the child cried. The child makes its existence known by moving.

The child's grandfather said, 'When the newborn was taken to the city's Alipur cemetery for burial at around 3 pm, Maulana Abdur Rab said that the burial will take place in the morning. Later we left the baby wrapped in a carton next to a grave. In the morning, when we went to the cemetery again, my uncle cried.'

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