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Coming to the market Galaxy S8: doubts about security!

S8 will start selling in the US market from April 21

The Dhaka Times Desk The world famous South Korean company Samsung has announced a new smartphone named Galaxy S8. However, experts are raising questions about the security of this new phone whether buyers will show interest or not.

বাজারে আসছে গ্যালাক্সি এস৮: নিরাপত্তা নিয়ে সংশয় কাটেনি! 1

According to news media, since the announcement of the release of this new set, various whispers have started around the world. US analysts believe that consumers will give Samsung another chance.

However, Samsung authorities claim that the S8 is more secure than any previous version. S8 will start selling in the US market from April 21.

In September last year, Samsung stopped selling the Galaxy Note 7 smartphone after it caught fire. This happened due to a manufacturing defect in the battery. That's why Samsung recalled all Note 7 from the market.

Recently, the Samsung authorities have said that they have learned from the Note 7 battery accident after officially announcing the Galaxy S8 smartphone. Now all batteries for Samsung smartphones have to go through a special test called '8 Point Test'. These tests range from visual monitoring of the eyes to X-ray tests. Even if a battery is found to be defective, the entire lot of 15,000 batteries is being discarded.

It is known that Samsung is bringing Galaxy S8 to the market as a high-end or flagship smartphone model. This company aims to sell millions of smartphones. The company wants to stay far away from the problems it faced with Note 7 last year. Samsung has gone to great lengths to secure the S8. This world-famous company is giving more importance to its battery. Now only time will tell how much the S8 will win the hearts of consumers.

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