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Model Bella is proud to be a Muslim

20-year-old Bella Hadid is one of the most popular models in the United States

The Dhaka Times Desk American model Bella Hadid has criticized President Donald Trump's move to allow citizens of eight Muslim-majority countries to enter the United States. He is proud to be a Muslim.

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Bella says she is really proud to be a Muslim and the daughter of a refugee. This was said in an AFP report last week.

20-year-old Bella Hadid is one of the most popular models in the United States. She is ruling New York and Europe in the 2017 fashion season.

Bella Hadid is the youngest daughter of Palestinian-American real estate businessman Mohammed Hadid and Dutch-born model Yolanda Hadid. Mohammed Hadid came to the United States as a teenager. Bella Hadid's older sister is also a supermodel. Younger brother Anwar is also a famous model.

"My father was a refugee when he first came to America," Bella told fashion magazine Porter about Trump's ban. He was always a pious man. I myself am proud to be a Muslim.'

It should be noted that Trump has banned citizens of 8 Muslim majority countries from entering the United States. Hadid's sisters also protested against it.

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