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One of the main 'entertainment cities' in the Middle East is in Saudi Arabia

It started its work in 2018 and will be inaugurated by 2022

The Dhaka Times Desk A huge 'entertainment city' is being built in Saudi Arabia. This 'entertainment city' is being built in the south of Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, covering an area of 334 square kilometers.

মধ্যপ্রাচ্যের অন্যতম প্রধান 'বিনোদন নগরী' হচ্ছে সৌদি আরবে 1

Saudi Arabia wants to make this entertainment city one of the main cultural centers of the Middle East. In addition to entertainment, sports, cultural activities will be arranged. Safari and theme parks will also be developed.

According to media reports, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman made this announcement last Friday. According to a statement by Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the main investment in the entertainment city will come from the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia. Many more domestic and foreign companies will invest in it. It started its work in 2018 and will be inaugurated by 2022.

Prince Mohammed bin Salman also said that Saudi Arabia will have all the facilities to meet the entertainment, cultural and social needs of the next generation.

The US company 'Six Flags' has said that they have already started discussions to build three theme parks in the country. They will also invest three hundred to five hundred million dollars in a theme park.

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