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Russian hacker accused of hacking US election arrested in Spain

The US authorities issued an arrest warrant against Levashov as a suspect in the charge of 'hacking'

The Dhaka Times Desk Spanish police have arrested a Russian computer programmer accused of involvement in 'hacking' the US election. This news has been published in international media.

মার্কিন নির্বাচনে হ্যাকিং এ অভিযুক্ত রাশিয়ান হ্যাকার স্পেনে গ্রেফতার 1

According to Spanish media reports, Pyotr Levashov was arrested from Barcelona on April 7. He has been kept in police custody. The accused is being interrogated by the police.

Spanish news website El Confidential reported that US authorities had issued an arrest warrant for Levashov on suspicion of 'hacking' to aid Donald Trump's campaign. Levashov's wife also admitted to the Russian media that her husband was arrested on the above charges.

Pyotr Levashov was arrested while on vacation in Spain. The US has requested his extradition. Spain's National Criminal Court is considering the request, the BBC reported.

It should be noted that in January of this year, the US intelligence agency reported the illegal interference of Russian hackers in the US presidential election to win Trump. They doubt that it happened on the orders of Russian President Vladimir Putin. However, both Trump and Russia have denied the allegations.

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