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Liza's New Song 'Mon Je Dole' Out On YouTube [VIDEO]

The lyrical video titled 'Man Je Dole' has been released on Jisan Multimedia's official YouTube channel

The Dhaka Times Desk Close-up One popular music artist Liza's new song 'Mann Je Dole' has been released on YouTube under the banner Jisan Multimedia.

The lyrical video titled 'Man Je Dole' was released on the official YouTube channel of Zeesan Multimedia last Monday. This video has already received a lot of response from the audience.

Directed by Hasan Fuad, the cut film item is written by Tariq Tuhin, music and music directed by Rezyan Sheikh. The song titled 'Mann Je Dole' has been digitally released by GP Music under the banner of Zeesan Multimedia.

Watch the video of the song

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