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Al-Qaeda chief Zawahiri is in the shelter of the spy agency in Pakistan?

Zawahiri fled and took refuge in Pakistan. He was given a secret hideout by the ISI

The Dhaka Times Desk Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri is currently in the safe haven of Pakistan's spy agency ISI.

পাকিস্তানে গুপ্তচর সংস্থার আশ্রয়েই রয়েছেন আল-কায়েদা প্রধান জাওয়াহিরি? 1

A report published in the US media claimed that not only Zawahiri, but also Laden's son Hamza bin Laden was in Pakistan.

The report also said that in 2001, when the US army cornered the Taliban in Afghanistan, Zawahiri fled and took refuge in Pakistan. He was given a secret hideout by the ISI. It has been claimed that the Obama administration knew that Zawahiri was in Pakistan. America launched a drone attack to finish him off. Zawahiri somehow survived a drone strike just a few houses before the house where he lived. A former militant leader told the news agency.

According to the news, since 2001, Zawahiri has been repeatedly attacked by drones. But each time Zawahiri somehow survived.

The former leader of ISI told the media that Zawahiri was once cornered in his party. The reason for this is that at that time, the group under him was conducting peace talks with the Afghan government. That is why Zawahiri fled to Pakistan.

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